Try. Fail. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
Samuel Beckett, Irischer Poet und Nobelpreisträger für Literatur
Vollkommen Subjektives von Wolfgang Horn
Ich weiß nicht warum, aber ich habe einen privaten Patti-Smith-Tag. Warum auch nicht. People have the power. It’s decreed the people rule. Das Volk hat die Macht. Endlich.
The people have the power
The people have the power
The people have the power
The people have the power
Vengeful aspects became suspect
and bending low as if to hear
and the armies ceased advancing
because the people had their ear
and the shepherds and the soldiers
lay beneath the stars
exchanging visions
and laying arms
to waste / in the dust
in the form of / shining valleys
where the pure air / recognized
and my senses / newly opened
I awakened / to the cry
Where there were deserts
I saw fountains
like cream the waters rise
and we strolled there together
with none to laugh or criticize
and the leopard
and the lamb
lay together truly bound
I was hoping in my hoping
to recall what I had found
I was dreaming in my dreaming
god knows / a purer view
as I surrender to my sleeping
I commit my dream to you
The power to dream / to rule
to wrestle the world from fools
it’s decreed the people rule
it’s decreed the people rule
I believe everything we dream
can come to pass through our union
we can turn the world around
we can turn the earth’s revolution
we have the power
People have the power …
“Früher war mehr Lametta.” Jetzt ist er endgültig wahr geworden, der legendäre Satz von Opa Hoppenstedt in Loriots formidabler Weihnachtssatire. Der letzte deutsche Lamettaproduzent, eine Firma Riffelmacher und Weinberger aus Roth, hat aufgegeben. Glitzernde Stanniolstreifen haben immer weniger Menschen begeistern können. Opa Hoppenstedts Lametta-Lamento geht ins Leere. Buchstäblich.